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What All Teens Should Know About Vaping


Updated: Oct 2, 2022

What is vaping? How does it work?

Vapes, also known as electronic cigarettes, are battery-powered devices that heat up a liquid that you then inhale. Examples of vapes include pens, hookahs, and e-cigarettes. The vaping liquid (e-juice) is heated up, delivering nicotine, marijuana, or other drugs through the mouthpiece.

Nicotine is the primary stimulant that is found in e-cigarettes, and can harm the growing adolescent brain in numerous ways, as it is highly addictive. It affects how the synapses, or connections between brain cells, are formed. In addition, e-juice can also contain:

  • Cancer-causing chemicals

  • Heavy metals such as nickel, tin and lead

  • Flavorings such as diacetyl, a chemical linked to lung disease

  • Volatile organic compounds

  • Ultra-fine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs

Know the risks.

There are several reasons why kids begin vaping,

However, aping poses significant health risks to young people in the long run. Here are some the most critical:

1) Addiction: The brain is still growing until about age 25. When memories are created or skills or learned, synapses are built between brain cells. Because young brains build synapses quicker than adults and addiction is a form of learning, it is much easier for adolescents to get addicted early and for the habits to carry on throughout the rest of their lives. Nicotine addiction can easily prime the brain for other types of addiction, such as heroin or cocaine.

2) Behavioral and Brain Risks: The part of the brain responsible for decision making is not fully developed during adolescence; nicotine addiction can harm parts of the brain that control learning and attention.

3) Impacting Lung and Heart Health:

- Increase blood pressure and heart rate

- Narrow arteries

-Lead to heart attack by contributing to the constricting of the arterial wall

4) Cancer-containing chemicals

- i.e. formaldehyde: acrolein (weed killer)

*Debunking Misconceptions by Teens about Vaping

There are many misconceptions that e-cigarettes companies flaunt to make vaping seen like a healthier, better alternative to smoking. However:

1) E-cigarettes do not make it easier to quit smoking:

Claims that state otherwise are not approved by the FDA: in fact, vaping is not approved as a smoking cession aid. E-cigarettes in fact have be found to promote vaping addiction rather than prevent smoking, according to this study.

2) E-cigarettes contain harmful, toxic chemicals:

Such as diacetyl, formaldehyde, acrolein, benzene, other toxicants, carcinogens and heavy metals.

3) E-Cigarettes negatively affect heart and lungs:

Whether or not there is nicotine in cigarettes, smoking is harmful to the cardiovascular system. Toxins the vapor damage the endothelium, creating a greater risk for atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries) and heart attacks. It also increases risk of asthma and and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


1 Comment

Grace Z
Grace Z
Oct 04, 2022

Really insightful piece! Super helpful for teens!!!

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