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Kitan Akinsola

Less by Kitan Akinsola

Updated: Oct 7, 2022

We really did share everything and I mean everything.

From clothes to secrets there was nothing me and my friend wouldn’t share.

And once we did we didn’t take it back we left it with one another never worrying where it was because it was safe. Like with the pink panda bear that hasn’t sat on my bed in the last five years it’s on her desk. And the snow globe that she’d given me seven years ago on my dresser.

We wouldn’t argue about it either not once we’d never hogg anything.

We’d even share a vape because we were so afraid to buy two thinking we’d end up misplacing one.

I liked the flavors fruity and she liked them sweet.

When it was my turn to choose I always chose blue raspberry and she choose sweet caramel.

I would giggle as we both coughed the smoke back up neither of us was good at doing it right.

The smoke would always go down the wrong pipe we would always end up on our backs choking and laughing wondering if it was from the smoke or the laughter.

But soon she started choking less and asking for the vape more.

She started saying less, sharing less, and just being less than before.

I don’t think I cared about the hogging but rather the less of her.

It wasn’t until the day she asked for the vape.

But I didn’t have it.

She destroyed my room in search of it with such anger and yearning.

When she didn’t find it she just huffed and left with haste, not a word not a glance.

The snow globe was on the floor in pieces and the vape was in my pocket.

That day she wasn’t just less she was nothing.


Kitan is currently a freshman in high school. She is obsessed with the color pink. She recently has been interested in writing competitions, and this was her first one! She aspires to double major in computer science and pre-law studies. She loves coding a lot and wants to be a lawyer. Kitan enjoys reading, crocheting, and internships.

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